Hans J. Briegel

Institute of Theoretical Physics 
Theresienstrasse 37
D80333 München, Germany

Phone: +49-89-2394-4603
Fax: +49-89-232805248



Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Theoretical Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, April 1994:
Thesis: Dissipative Jaynes Cummings Model and applications to microlasers
Diploma (Masters) in Physics: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Sept. 1990:
Thesis: Quantisation of the relativistic Hamiltonian of a spinless particle

Areas of Research

Quantum Information and Computing, Theoretical Quantum Optics,
Microlasers, Theory of damping bases, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Professional Experience

Sep 97-present: 
Jul 97-Aug 98: 
Jul 96-May 97: 
Jan 96-Jun 96:
Apr 94-Dec 95: 
Universität München, Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
Universität Innsbruck, TMR-Postdoc 
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics/ITAMP,
    Visiting Scientist 
Harvard University, Postdoctoral Fellow 
Texas A&M University, Research Associate


Feodor Lynen Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
Smithsonian Fellowship (ITAMP)
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
University of Munich (State of Bavaria)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


DFG - German Research Foundation
Projects: (1) Quantum computing based on atom interferometry
               (2) Role of imperfect and noisy operations in quantum communication
ACQUIRE - European Community Program (Partner)
QUBIT - European Community Program (Partner)


Refereed papers
Book contributions
Seminars and Colloquia
Invited conference talks
Contributed conference talks



H. Aschauer and H.-J. Briegel,
A security proof for quantum cryptography based entirely on entanglement purification,  E-print quant-ph/0111066

R. Raussendorf and H.-J. Briegel,
Computational model underlying the one-way quantum computer,

 E-print quant-ph/0108067.

R. Raussendorf and D.E. Browne and H.-J. Briegel,
The one-way quantum computer - a non-network model of quantum computation,

 E-print quant-ph/0108118.

H.-J. Briegel, R. Raussendorf and A. Schenzle,
Optical lattices as a playground for studying multiparticle entanglement,

 in "Laserphysics at the limit" (H. Figger, D. Meschede, C. Zimmermann, eds.), Springer, 2001, pp. 433-477.

Refereed papers

H. Aschauer and H.-J. Briegel,
Private entanglement over arbitrary distances, even using a noisy apparatus,
accepted by Physical Review Letters.

H. Aschauer and H.-J. Briegel,
Entanglement purification with noisy apparatus can be used to factor out an eavesdropper,

 European Physics Journal D (2001), in press. E-print quant-ph/0108060.

R. Raussendorf and H.-J. Briegel,
A one-way quantum computer,

 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5188 (2001).

H.-J. Briegel and R. Raussendorf,
Persistent entanglement in arrays of interacting particles,

 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 910 (2001).

J. Eisert and H.-J. Briegel,
Schmidt measure as a tool for quantifying multi-particle entanglement,
Phys. Rev. A 64, 022306 (2001).

H.-J. Briegel and A. Schenzle,
Quantencomputer und Kryptographie,
Einsichten -- Forschung an der LMU München, Nr.18, 26 (2000).

H.-J. Briegel, T. Calarco, D. Jaksch, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
Quantum computing with neutral atoms,
Journal of Modern Optics 47, 415 (2000). [Special issue on quantum computing]

H.-J. Briegel,
Geheime Schlüssel mit verschränkten Photonen,
Physikalische Blätter 56 (6), 12 (2000).
T. Calarco, H.-J. Briegel, D. Jaksch, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
 Quantum computing with trapped particles in microscopic potentials,
 Fortschr. Phys. 48 945 (2000).
T. Calarco, H.-J. Briegel, D. Jaksch, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
Entangling atoms for quantum information processing,
 Journal of Modern Optics 47, 2137 (2000).
H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
 Quantencomputer: Wie sich Verschränkung für die Informationsverarbeitung nutzen lässt.
 Physikalische Blätter 55 (9), 37 (1999).
D. Jaksch, H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, C. W. Gardiner, and P. Zoller,
 Entanglement of atoms via cold controlled collisions,
 Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1975 (1999).
G. Giedke, H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
 Lower bounds for entanglement purification,
 Phys. Rev. A 59, 2641 (1999).
W. Dür, H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
Quantum repeaters based on entanglement purification,
Phys. Rev. A 59, 169 (1999); ibid. 60, 729 (1999).
H.-J. Briegel, W. Dür, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
Quantum repeaters: The role of imperfect local operations in quantum communication,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5932 (1998).
H.-J. Briegel, W. Dür, S. J. van Enk, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
Quantum communication and the creation of maximally entangled pairs of atoms over a noisy channel,
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 356, 1841 (1998).
G. M. Meyer and H.-J. Briegel,
Pump-operator treatment of the ion-trap laser,
Phys. Rev. A 58, 3210 (1998).
H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, M. O. Scully, and H. Walther,
Atom interferometry and the quantum theory of measurement,
in ``Atom Interferometry,'' ed. Paul Berman, Academic Press, San Diego, 1997.
G. M. Meyer, H.-J. Briegel, and H. Walther,
Ion-trap laser,
Europhysics Letters, 37, 317 (1997).
H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, and M. O. Scully,
Spectral properties of a micromaser: Atomic-beam statistics and the field correlation function,
Phys. Rev. A 54, 3603 (1996).
H.-J. Briegel, G. M. Meyer, and B.-G. Englert,
Dynamic noise reduction in multilevel lasers: Nonlinear theory and the pump-operator approach,
Phys. Rev. A 53, 1143 (1996).
H.-J. Briegel, G. M. Meyer, B.-G. Englert,
Pump operator for lasers with multi-level excitation,
Europhysics Letters 33, 515 (1996).
H.-J. Briegel and B.-G. Englert,
Macroscopic dynamics of a maser with non-Poissonian atomic injection,
Phys. Rev. A 52, 2361 (1995).
H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, C. Ginzel, and A. Schenzle,
One-atom maser with periodic and noisy pump: An application of damping bases,
Phys. Rev. A 49, 5019 (1994).
H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, N. Sterpi, and H. Walther,
One-atom maser: Statistics of detector clicks,
Phys. Rev. A 49, 2962 (1994).
C. Ginzel, H.-J. Briegel, U. Martini, B.-G. Englert, and A. Schenzle,
Quantum optical master equations: The one--atom laser,
Phys. Rev. A 48, 732 (1993).
H.-J. Briegel and B.-G. Englert,
Quantum optical master equations: The use of damping bases,
Phys. Rev. A 47, 3311 (1993).
H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, and G. Süssmann,
Canonical quantization of the classical Hamiltonian for a relativistic spinless particle,
Z. Naturforsch. 46A, 933 (1991).
H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, M. Michaelis, and G. Süssmann,
Über die Wurzel aus der Klein-Gordon-Gleichung als Schrödingergleichung eines Spin-0-Teilchens,
Z. Naturforsch. 46A, 925 (1991).

Book contributions

H.-J. Briegel,
Basics of entanglement purification,
in ``The Physics of Quantum Information'', D. Bouwmeester, A. Ekert,
 A. Zeilinger, (Ed.), Springer, in print.
H.-J. Briegel, S. van Enk, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
Quantum networks I: Entangling atoms at different locations,
 ibid., Springer, in print.
H.-J. Briegel, W. Dür, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
Quantum networks II: Communication over noisy channels,
 ibid., in print.
H.-J. Briegel,
Entanglement purification and long-distance quantum communication,
Introduction to a set of lectures hold at the 1999 Torino summer school on
Quantum computation and quantum information theory, World Scientific, 2001.
H.-J. Briegel,
 Quantum information in optical lattices,
Introduction to a set of lectures hold at the 1999 Torino summer school on
Quantum computation and quantum information theory, World Scientific, 2001.


G. Giedke, H. J. Briegel, W. D\"ur, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
Quantum communication with imperfect means: Entanglement purification and the quantum repeater,
 Proceedings of the Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing (QCM98), in Evanston, USA 22.-27 Aug. 1998. Plenum Press 1999.
H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
EPR correlations made useful. A quantum communication perspective,
 Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR `98), Wien, 14.-17. April 1998.
H.-J. Briegel, T. Calarco, D. Jaksch, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
 Quantum optical systems for implementation of quantum information processes,
 Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, Innsbruck, Austria, 7.-11. June 1999.
H.-J. Briegel, W. Duer, S. Van Enk, J. I. Cirac, P. Zoller,
 Quantum communication and computation,
 Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 98),
 in Windsor, Canada 2. - 3. Aug 1998.
H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
 Creation of maximally entangled pairs of atoms over a noisy channel: a finite-means approach,
 Proceedings of the Wigner Symposium,Vienna 1997.
H.-J. Briegel, G. M. Meyer, B.-G. Englert,
Correlated atomic excitation in multi-level lasers,
 in ``Nonlinear Dynamics in Lasers'' (N. B. Abraham and Y. I. Khanin, eds.), pp. 43--53, Proc. SPIE 2792, Bellingham, WA, 1996.


Seminars and Colloquia

Neuchatel, University, Quantum information and computer, 29.1.2001 (Colloquium).
Braunschweig, University Multiparticle entanglement and quantum computation, 24.1.01 (Seminar).
Darmstadt, Technical University Quantenkommunikation und Quantencomputer,5.1.01 (Kolloquium).
Karlsruhe, University Skalierbare Quantenrechner, 7.11.00 (Informatik Kolloquium).
Infineon (Company), Quantencomputer und Kryptographie, 29.6.2000 (Seminar).
Oxford University, Persistent entanglement in arrays of interacting particles, 30.5.2000 (Seminar - Ekert group).
LMU München, Quantencomputer und Kryptographie, 23.5.2000. Öffentlicher Informationsabend zum Thema: "Mit Quanten ist zu rechnen. Kalte Materie, Chaos und Computer aus quantenmechanischer Sicht".
Halle, University, Quantum information and computer, 19.1.2000 (Seminar).
Erlangen, University, Quantencomputer und Quantenkommunikation, 13.12.1999 (Colloquium).
Stuttgart, Technical University, Quantum information and computing, 7.12.1999 (Seminar)
Munich, University (LMU), Quantencomputer und Quantenkommunikation, 17.11.1999 (Fakultätskolloquium)
Munich, Technical University (TU), Quantencomputer und Quantenkommunikation, 30.6.1999 (Kolloquium der Theoretischen Physiker)
Hamburg, Institut für Laserphysik, Quantum computing in optical lattices,8.6.1999 (Seminar)
NIST Gaithersburg, Quantum computing in optical lattices, Bill Phillips Group, 28.5.1999 (Seminar)
Harvard University, Quantum computing in optical lattices, Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium, 15.5.1999
Pavia University, Quantum computing in optical lattices, Theoretical Quantum Optics Seminar, 25.3.1999
Oxford University, Quantum repeaters, Centre for Quantum Computation, Artur Ekert group, 27.1.1999 (Seminar)
Hannover, Verschränkung -- EPR-Paare und ihre Relevanz für die Quantenkommunikation, Norddeutscher Lasertag, 9.12.1998 (Plenary Talk)
Innsbruck, University, Quantum repeaters and communication, Seminar,29.4.1998.
Munich, University (LMU), Quantum repeaters and communication, Oberseminar über aktuelle Probleme der Theoretischen Physik,20.2.1998.
Optical Science Center, Interactive Photon Counting,Quantum Optics Seminar, 14.1.97, Tucson, Arizona.
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Interactive Photon Counting, ITAMP Colloquium, 9.12.96, Massachusetts.
Harvard University, Laser dynamics of single (trapped) atoms, Rick Heller group seminar, 2.2.96 and 23.2.96, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
UT Austin, Laser dynamics of single (trapped) atoms, Atomic Physics Seminar, 17.11.95, Austin, Texas.
Oregon,University, Atomic beam statistics and the emission spectrum of a microlaser, Quantum Optics Seminar, 24.8.95, Eugene, Oregon.
Munich University (LMU), Dynamic noise reduction in multilevel lasers, Quantum Optics Seminar, 13.7.95, Munich, Germany.
Gesamthochschule Essen, Dynamic noise reduction in multilevel lasers, Quantum Optics Seminar, 19.6.95, Essen, Germany.
Innsbruck,University, Dynamic noise reduction in multilevel lasers, Quantum Optics Seminar, 4.7.95, Innsbruck, Austria.
Harvard University, Dynamics of microscopic lasers and masers, Atomic Physics Seminar, 22.3.95, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
University of North Texas, Quantum effects in microscopic lasers and masers, Colloquium, 28.2.95, Denton, Texas.
University of Houston, Quantum effects in microscopic lasers and masers, Colloquium, 7.2.95, Houston, Texas.
Texas A&M University, Theory of damping-bases, Atomic Physics Seminar, 6.12.94, College Station, Texas.
Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, The damping-basis method: A novel approach to treating dissipative sytems in quantum optics, Theory Seminar, 30.6.1994, Garching, Germany.
AG Nichtklassische Strahlung, Humboldt University Berlin, Dynamics of a microlaser with a
periodic and noisy pump, Laser Seminar, Feb. 1994, Berlin, Germany.
University of Munich (LMU), Ein-Atom-Maser mit variabler Pumpstatistik, Quantum Optics Seminar, 26.2.93,
Munich, Germany.
Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Jaynes-Cummings model with damping, Theory Seminar, 12.2.92,
 Garching, Germany.
University of Munich (LMU), Jaynes-Cummings Modell mit Dämpfung, Seminar, 17.1.92, Munich, Germany.

Invited conference talks

ECAMP / DPG Frühjahrstagung Berlin , Quantum computers and multiparticle entanglement ("Hot topic talk"), Berlin, 2.4.-6.4.2001.
Workshop on coherent evolution in noisy environments (COHEVOL), Multiparticle entanglement and quantum computation in spin lattices with an Ising-type interaction, Max-Planck-Institut für komplexe Systeme, Dresden, 25.5.2001.
Workshop on solid-state quantum computing, Quantum computers and multi-particle entanglement in spin-lattices, Warsaw, 26.4.-29.4.2001.
GAFOS 2001- German-American Frontiers of Science Symposium, Theory of quantum information and computation (Invited Poster), Bad Homburg, 7.6.-10.6.2001.
Cryptography meeting, Security in long-distance quantum cryptography, Royal Holloway College, London, 26.5.2000.
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), Quantum information, networks, and computing, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 23.-28.5.99.
Laser 99 (Budapest), Quantum computing in optical lattices, Budapest, Ungarn, 2.-6.7.99.
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Quantum repeaters: Quantum communication over dissipative information channels, (in German), Konstanz, Germany, March 1998.
QIKI Workshop über Quanten-Informatik, Quanten-Computing in optischen Gittern, Universität Karlsruhe, 21.-22.12.98.
International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics, Quantum computing in optical lattices, Monterey, California, USA, 31.8.-4.10.98.
QCM98 - Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, Quantum repeaters for communication, Evanston, Illinois, USA, 22.8.-27.8.98.
Workshop on Quantum Information and Quantum Optics, Quantum repeaters for communication,
 Benasque, Spain, July 1998.
Workshop on Quantum Computation and Mesoscopic Physics, Quantum repeaters for communication, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italien, 25.6.-27.6.98.
Dagstuhl-Seminar on Quantum Algorithms, Quantum repeaters for communication, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany, 10.5.98-15.5.98.
EMCSR98 - Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations made useful: A quantum-communication perspective,Vienna, Austria, 14.4.-17.4.98.
Almagro workshop on quantum information, Universidad Castilla la Mancha, Quantum communication over noisy channels, Almagro (Ciudad Real) Spain, 16.-19.10.97.
24th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Interactive photodetection in cavity-QED experiments, Snowbird, 12.1.-15.1.97.
NSF Summer School on the Foundations and Applications of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Theory of the Laser, Casper College, Wyoming, 1.8-6.8.95.
Conference on Quantum Coherence and Interference in Fundamental and Applied Physics, Influence of atomic-beam statistics on the emission spectrum of a microlaser, Alta, Wyoming, 9.8.-12.8.95.
25th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Spectral properties of a laser with nonpoissonian atomic injection, Snowbird, Utah, 3.1-6.1.95.
Atomic Physics Symposium in Honor of Willis E. Lamb, Coherent atom-field interaction and
the quantum theory of the laser, Texas A\&M University, Texas, 18.11-19.11.94.
Conference on Atomic Coherence and Interference in Applied and Fundamental
 Physics, Dynamical noise reduction in the ion-trap laser, Crested Butte, Colorado, 7.8-11.8.94.
MPQ Summer Festival 92, Master equations for lossy systems, July 1992.


Contributed conference talks
Workshop on quantum information processing and communication (QIPC), Persistent entanglement in arrays of interacting particles, Potsdam, Germany, 27.-29. September 2000. 2000.
Workshop on quantum information and quantum optics, Multiparticle entanglement in arrays of interacting particles, Benasque, Spain, 10.July 2000.
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Imperfekte lokale Operationen und ihre Bedeutung für die Quantenkommunikation, Heidelberg, March 1999.
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Quantum computing in optischen Gittern, Heidelberg, March 1999.
TMR meeting on the Physics of Quantum Information, Quantum repeaters, Helsinki,
 Finland, 24.9.-26.9.98.
APS annual meeting, Multiple light scattering from a pair of non-identical atoms,
(Poster) Washington, April 1997.
Laser Optics Conference 95, Dynamic noise reduction in multi-level lasers: Nonlinear theory
 and the damping basis approach, St. Petersburg, Russia, 26.6-1.7.95.
Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Corrections to reservoir theory in the one-atom laser,
Dallas, 2.10-7.10.94, Texas.
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Ein-Atom-Maser mit periodischem und verrauschtem Pumpen,
 Hamburg, March 1994 .
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Jaynes-Cummings-Modell mit Dämpfung, Hamburg, 23.2.92.
Last change: 15.11.2001,