- E-print quant-ph/0108067.
R. Raussendorf and D.E. Browne and H.-J. Briegel,
The one-way quantum
computer - a non-network model of quantum computation,
- E-print quant-ph/0108118.
H.-J. Briegel, R. Raussendorf and A. Schenzle,
lattices as a playground for studying multiparticle entanglement,
- in "Laserphysics at the limit" (H. Figger, D. Meschede,
C. Zimmermann, eds.), Springer, 2001, pp. 433-477.
Refereed papers
H. Aschauer and H.-J. Briegel,
entanglement over arbitrary distances, even using a noisy
accepted by Physical Review Letters.
H. Aschauer and H.-J. Briegel,
Entanglement purification
with noisy apparatus can be used to factor out an eavesdropper,
- European Physics Journal D (2001), in press. E-print quant-ph/0108060.
R. Raussendorf and H.-J. Briegel,
one-way quantum computer,
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5188 (2001).
H.-J. Briegel and R. Raussendorf,
entanglement in arrays of interacting particles,
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 910 (2001).
J. Eisert and H.-J. Briegel,
measure as a tool for quantifying multi-particle entanglement,
Phys. Rev. A 64, 022306 (2001).
H.-J. Briegel and A. Schenzle,
Quantencomputer und
Einsichten -- Forschung an der
LMU München, Nr.18, 26 (2000).
H.-J. Briegel, T. Calarco, D. Jaksch, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
Quantum computing with
neutral atoms,
Journal of Modern Optics 47, 415
(2000). [Special issue on quantum computing]
- H.-J. Briegel,
- Geheime Schlüssel mit verschränkten Photonen,
- Physikalische Blätter 56 (6), 12 (2000).
- T. Calarco, H.-J. Briegel, D. Jaksch, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Quantum computing with trapped particles in
microscopic potentials,
- Fortschr. Phys. 48 945 (2000).
- T. Calarco, H.-J. Briegel, D. Jaksch, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Entangling atoms for quantum information processing,
Journal of Modern Optics 47, 2137 (2000).
- H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Quantencomputer: Wie sich Verschränkung für die
Informationsverarbeitung nutzen lässt.
- Physikalische Blätter 55 (9), 37 (1999).
- D. Jaksch, H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, C. W. Gardiner, and P. Zoller,
- Entanglement of atoms via cold controlled
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1975 (1999).
- G. Giedke, H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Lower bounds for entanglement
- Phys. Rev. A 59, 2641 (1999).
- W. Dür, H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Quantum repeaters based on entanglement
- Phys. Rev. A 59, 169 (1999); ibid. 60,
729 (1999).
- H.-J. Briegel, W. Dür, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Quantum repeaters: The role of imperfect local operations
in quantum communication,
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5932 (1998).
- H.-J. Briegel, W. Dür, S. J. van Enk, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Quantum communication and the creation of maximally
entangled pairs of atoms over a noisy channel,
- Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 356, 1841 (1998).
- G. M. Meyer and H.-J. Briegel,
- Pump-operator treatment of the ion-trap
- Phys. Rev. A 58, 3210 (1998).
- H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, M. O. Scully, and H. Walther,
- Atom interferometry and the quantum theory of
- in ``Atom Interferometry,'' ed. Paul Berman, Academic Press,
San Diego, 1997.
- G. M. Meyer, H.-J. Briegel, and H. Walther,
- Ion-trap laser,
- Europhysics Letters, 37, 317 (1997).
- H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, and M. O. Scully,
- Spectral properties of a micromaser: Atomic-beam statistics
and the field correlation function,
- Phys. Rev. A 54, 3603 (1996).
- H.-J. Briegel, G. M. Meyer, and B.-G. Englert,
- Dynamic noise reduction in multilevel lasers: Nonlinear
theory and the pump-operator approach,
- Phys. Rev. A 53, 1143 (1996).
- H.-J. Briegel, G. M. Meyer, B.-G. Englert,
- Pump operator for lasers with multi-level
- Europhysics Letters 33, 515 (1996).
- H.-J. Briegel and B.-G. Englert,
- Macroscopic dynamics of a maser with non-Poissonian atomic
- Phys. Rev. A 52, 2361 (1995).
- H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, C. Ginzel, and A. Schenzle,
- One-atom maser with periodic and noisy pump: An application
of damping bases,
- Phys. Rev. A 49, 5019 (1994).
- H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, N. Sterpi, and H. Walther,
- One-atom maser: Statistics of detector clicks,
- Phys. Rev. A 49, 2962 (1994).
- C. Ginzel, H.-J. Briegel, U. Martini, B.-G. Englert, and A.
- Quantum optical master equations: The one--atom
- Phys. Rev. A 48, 732 (1993).
- H.-J. Briegel and B.-G. Englert,
- Quantum optical master equations: The use of damping
- Phys. Rev. A 47, 3311 (1993).
- H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, and G. Süssmann,
- Canonical quantization of the classical Hamiltonian for a
relativistic spinless particle,
- Z. Naturforsch. 46A, 933 (1991).
- H.-J. Briegel, B.-G. Englert, M. Michaelis, and G. Süssmann,
- Über die Wurzel aus der Klein-Gordon-Gleichung als
Schrödingergleichung eines Spin-0-Teilchens,
- Z. Naturforsch. 46A, 925 (1991).
Book contributions
- H.-J. Briegel,
- Basics of entanglement purification,
- in ``The Physics of Quantum Information'', D. Bouwmeester,
A. Ekert,
- A. Zeilinger, (Ed.), Springer, in print.
- H.-J. Briegel, S. van Enk, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Quantum networks I: Entangling atoms at different
- ibid., Springer, in print.
- H.-J. Briegel, W. Dür, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Quantum networks II: Communication over noisy channels,
- ibid., in print.
- H.-J. Briegel,
- Entanglement purification and long-distance quantum
- Introduction to a set of lectures hold at the 1999 Torino
summer school on
- Quantum computation and quantum information theory, World Scientific, 2001.
- H.-J. Briegel,
- Quantum information in optical lattices,
- Introduction to a set of lectures hold at the 1999 Torino
summer school on
- Quantum computation and quantum information theory, World Scientific, 2001.
- G. Giedke, H. J. Briegel, W. D\"ur, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Quantum communication with imperfect means: Entanglement
purification and the quantum repeater,
- Proceedings of the Conference on Quantum
Communication, Measurement, and Computing (QCM98), in Evanston, USA 22.-27
Aug. 1998. Plenum Press 1999.
- H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- EPR correlations made useful. A quantum communication
- Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Meeting on
Cybernetics and Systems
Research (EMCSR `98), Wien, 14.-17. April 1998.
- H.-J. Briegel, T. Calarco, D. Jaksch, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Quantum optical systems for implementation of
quantum information processes,
- Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Laser
Spectroscopy, Innsbruck, Austria, 7.-11. June 1999.
- H.-J. Briegel, W. Duer, S. Van Enk, J. I. Cirac, P. Zoller,
- Quantum communication and computation,
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic
Physics (ICAP 98),
- i
n Windsor, Canada 2. - 3. Aug 1998.
- H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller,
- Creation of maximally entangled pairs of atoms over
a noisy channel: a finite-means approach,
- Proceedings of the Wigner Symposium,Vienna
- H.-J. Briegel, G. M. Meyer, B.-G. Englert,
- Correlated atomic excitation in multi-level
- in ``Nonlinear Dynamics in Lasers'' (N. B. Abraham and
Y. I. Khanin, eds.), pp. 43--53, Proc. SPIE 2792, Bellingham, WA, 1996.
Seminars and Colloquia
- Neuchatel, University, Quantum information and computer, 29.1.2001 (Colloquium).
- Braunschweig, University Multiparticle entanglement and
quantum computation, 24.1.01 (Seminar).
- Darmstadt, Technical University Quantenkommunikation und Quantencomputer,5.1.01 (Kolloquium).
- Karlsruhe, University Skalierbare Quantenrechner, 7.11.00 (Informatik Kolloquium).
- Infineon (Company), Quantencomputer und Kryptographie, 29.6.2000 (Seminar).
- Oxford University, Persistent entanglement in arrays of
interacting particles, 30.5.2000 (Seminar - Ekert group).
- LMU München, Quantencomputer und Kryptographie, 23.5.2000. Öffentlicher Informationsabend zum Thema: "Mit Quanten ist zu
rechnen. Kalte Materie, Chaos und Computer aus quantenmechanischer Sicht".
- Halle, University, Quantum information and computer, 19.1.2000 (Seminar).
- Erlangen, University, Quantencomputer und Quantenkommunikation, 13.12.1999 (Colloquium).
- Stuttgart, Technical University, Quantum information and
computing, 7.12.1999 (Seminar)
- Munich, University (LMU), Quantencomputer und Quantenkommunikation, 17.11.1999 (Fakultätskolloquium)
- Munich, Technical University (TU), Quantencomputer und Quantenkommunikation, 30.6.1999 (Kolloquium der Theoretischen Physiker)
- Hamburg, Institut für Laserphysik, Quantum computing in
optical lattices,8.6.1999 (Seminar)
- NIST Gaithersburg, Quantum computing in optical lattices, Bill Phillips Group, 28.5.1999 (Seminar)
- Harvard University, Quantum computing in optical lattices, Joint Atomic Physics Colloquium, 15.5.1999
- Pavia University, Quantum computing in optical lattices, Theoretical Quantum Optics Seminar, 25.3.1999
- Oxford University, Quantum repeaters, Centre for
Quantum Computation, Artur Ekert group, 27.1.1999 (Seminar)
- Hannover, Verschränkung -- EPR-Paare und ihre Relevanz
für die Quantenkommunikation, Norddeutscher Lasertag, 9.12.1998 (Plenary
- Innsbruck, University, Quantum repeaters and
communication, Seminar,29.4.1998.
- Munich, University (LMU), Quantum repeaters and
communication, Oberseminar über aktuelle Probleme der Theoretischen Physik,20.2.1998.
- Optical Science Center, Interactive Photon
Counting,Quantum Optics Seminar, 14.1.97, Tucson, Arizona.
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Interactive
Photon Counting, ITAMP Colloquium, 9.12.96, Massachusetts.
- Harvard University, Laser dynamics of single (trapped)
atoms, Rick Heller group seminar, 2.2.96 and 23.2.96, Cambridge,
- UT Austin, Laser dynamics of single (trapped) atoms, Atomic Physics Seminar, 17.11.95, Austin, Texas.
- Oregon,University, Atomic beam statistics and the
emission spectrum of a microlaser, Quantum Optics Seminar, 24.8.95, Eugene, Oregon.
- Munich University (LMU), Dynamic noise reduction in
multilevel lasers, Quantum Optics Seminar, 13.7.95, Munich, Germany.
- Gesamthochschule Essen, Dynamic noise reduction in
multilevel lasers, Quantum Optics Seminar, 19.6.95, Essen, Germany.
- Innsbruck,University, Dynamic noise reduction in
multilevel lasers, Quantum Optics Seminar, 4.7.95, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Harvard University, Dynamics of microscopic lasers and
masers, Atomic Physics Seminar, 22.3.95, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- University of North Texas, Quantum effects in microscopic
lasers and masers, Colloquium, 28.2.95, Denton, Texas.
- University of Houston, Quantum effects in microscopic
lasers and masers, Colloquium, 7.2.95, Houston, Texas.
- Texas A&M University, Theory of damping-bases, Atomic Physics Seminar, 6.12.94, College Station, Texas.
- Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, The damping-basis
method: A novel approach to treating dissipative sytems in quantum optics, Theory Seminar, 30.6.1994, Garching, Germany.
- AG Nichtklassische Strahlung, Humboldt University Berlin, Dynamics of a microlaser with a
- periodic and noisy pump, Laser Seminar, Feb. 1994, Berlin, Germany.
- University of Munich (LMU), Ein-Atom-Maser mit variabler
Pumpstatistik, Quantum Optics Seminar, 26.2.93,
- Munich, Germany.
- Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Jaynes-Cummings
model with damping, Theory Seminar, 12.2.92,
- Garching, Germany.
- University of Munich (LMU), Jaynes-Cummings Modell mit
Dämpfung, Seminar, 17.1.92, Munich, Germany.
Invited conference talks
- ECAMP / DPG Frühjahrstagung Berlin , Quantum computers
and multiparticle entanglement ("Hot topic talk"), Berlin,
- Workshop on coherent evolution in noisy environments
(COHEVOL), Multiparticle entanglement and quantum computation in spin
lattices with an Ising-type interaction, Max-Planck-Institut für komplexe Systeme, Dresden, 25.5.2001.
- Workshop on solid-state quantum computing, Quantum
computers and multi-particle entanglement in spin-lattices, Warsaw,
- GAFOS 2001- German-American Frontiers of Science Symposium, Theory of quantum information and computation (Invited Poster), Bad Homburg, 7.6.-10.6.2001.
- Cryptography meeting, Security in long-distance quantum
cryptography, Royal Holloway College, London, 26.5.2000.
- Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), Quantum information, networks, and computing, Baltimore, Maryland, USA,
- Laser 99 (Budapest), Quantum computing in optical
lattices, Budapest, Ungarn, 2.-6.7.99.
- Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Quantum repeaters: Quantum communication over dissipative information channels,
(in German), Konstanz, Germany, March 1998.
- QIKI Workshop über Quanten-Informatik, Quanten-Computing
in optischen Gittern, Universität Karlsruhe, 21.-22.12.98.
- International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and
Fundamental Physics, Quantum computing in optical lattices, Monterey,
California, USA, 31.8.-4.10.98.
- QCM98 - Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement,
and Computing, Quantum repeaters for communication, Evanston, Illinois,
USA, 22.8.-27.8.98.
- Workshop on Quantum Information and Quantum Optics, Quantum repeaters for communication,
- Benasque, Spain, July 1998.
- Workshop on Quantum Computation and Mesoscopic Physics, Quantum repeaters for communication, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa,
Italien, 25.6.-27.6.98.
- Dagstuhl-Seminar on Quantum Algorithms, Quantum repeaters
for communication, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany,
- EMCSR98 - Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations made useful: A quantum-communication
perspective,Vienna, Austria, 14.4.-17.4.98.
- Almagro workshop on quantum information, Universidad
Castilla la Mancha, Quantum communication over noisy channels, Almagro (Ciudad Real) Spain, 16.-19.10.97.
- 24th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Interactive photodetection in cavity-QED experiments, Snowbird, 12.1.-15.1.97.
- NSF Summer School on the Foundations and Applications of
Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Theory of the Laser, Casper College,
Wyoming, 1.8-6.8.95.
- Conference on Quantum Coherence and Interference in
Fundamental and Applied Physics, Influence of atomic-beam statistics on the
emission spectrum of a microlaser, Alta, Wyoming, 9.8.-12.8.95.
- 25th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Spectral properties of a laser with nonpoissonian atomic
injection, Snowbird, Utah, 3.1-6.1.95.
- Atomic Physics Symposium in Honor of Willis E. Lamb, Coherent atom-field interaction and
- the quantum theory of the laser, Texas A\&M
University, Texas, 18.11-19.11.94.
- Conference on Atomic Coherence and Interference in Applied
and Fundamental
- Physics, Dynamical noise reduction in the ion-trap
laser, Crested Butte, Colorado, 7.8-11.8.94.
- MPQ Summer Festival 92, Master equations for lossy
systems, July 1992.
- Contributed conference
- Workshop on quantum information processing and communication (QIPC), Persistent entanglement in arrays of interacting particles, Potsdam, Germany, 27.-29. September 2000. 2000.
- Workshop on quantum information and quantum optics, Multiparticle entanglement in arrays of interacting particles, Benasque, Spain, 10.July 2000.
- Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Imperfekte
lokale Operationen und ihre Bedeutung für die Quantenkommunikation, Heidelberg, March 1999.
- Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Quantum
computing in optischen Gittern, Heidelberg, March 1999.
- TMR meeting on the Physics of Quantum Information, Quantum repeaters, Helsinki,
Finland, 24.9.-26.9.98.
- APS annual meeting, Multiple light scattering from a pair
of non-identical atoms,
- (Poster) Washington, April 1997.
- Laser Optics Conference 95, Dynamic noise reduction in
multi-level lasers: Nonlinear theory
- and the damping basis approach, St. Petersburg, Russia, 26.6-1.7.95.
- Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Corrections to reservoir theory in the one-atom laser,
- Dallas, 2.10-7.10.94, Texas.
- Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Ein-Atom-Maser mit periodischem und verrauschtem Pumpen,
Hamburg, March 1994 .
- Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Jaynes-Cummings-Modell mit Dämpfung, Hamburg, 23.2.92.
- Last change: 15.11.2001,